Tuesday 19 February 2013

Buzz and Cookie arrived on Sunday, thanks to Jane. So yesterday we took our first proper dog walks - we met a dog-walker called Clare, who was very friendly and gave us some good gen on Crich.  In the afternoon as it was getting dark we did perhaps the most obvious circuit, down to the Cromford Canal, along to the station and back up the road. The latter is a bit of a slog, and the pavement is narrow for one person walking two dogs (Sue stayed home making tea), but it's a good walk, taking about 40 minutes.

Took a second trip in three days to Ikea yesterday, so it's as well it's only about 20 minutes away.  Consequently there's quite a few jobs to do. Jayne and Chris are coming today, so I'm not sure much will be done jobs-wise, but there's no rush for any of them really.

Tonight will be the first trip back to Leicester to watch City - I think it'll be 11pm at the earliest by the time I'm back.

One issue I've got to tackle it the cooker hood - the bearings in the motor have gone and it sounds terrible: unusable. I think maybe I'm going to have to replace the whole thing, which is bad news. They've tiled round it so it'll have to be the same model, and we'd better get it quick before they discontinue it.  It's a job and an expense we hadn't reckoned on.

Another bright, frosty morning today. Just off out.


  1. How's the wildlife so far? I got some extremely posh suet pellets from Waddesdon and the local birds here have just turned their noses up at it.

  2. Next door have a bird restaurant in their front garden - siskins, jays, a redpoll.
