Thursday, 14 February 2013

Thursday: zero minus 1

Many, many thanks to Jayne and Chris who came to help with the final mad dash towards something like organisation.  5.50pm now and we're spent.  But also pretty much organised.  There seems to be more stuff going from the garden than from the house.  Two big lads and a lorry will arrive at 9.30am tomorrowAnd this probably breaks all the rules, but our buyer has a key already, so we don't have to deliver one - that'll save some time.

I don't have much experience of this, and I'm having trouble getting my head round the fact that tomorrow we will walk away from this house and never be in it again.  Just feels weird.

The dogs went off at lunchtime with Jane A, who has generously offered  to look after them for the duration - they'll be back, in their new den as Sue keeps telling them, on Sunday.

Anyone have a secret formula for getting transit bolts back into a washing machine, or is it a forlorn hope?  (Reminds me of when Donna bought a new washing m/c and had a friend plumb it in. Couldn't understand why the machine kept trying to escape from the kitchen everytime she switched it on - transit bolts, of course).

1 comment:

  1. All fingers and paws crossed for as smooth a day tomorrow as moving can possibly be. Cookie and Buzz have been chilled out all evening, though Tikka has lost his been bag to Cookie!! And on his birthday too! She used to share it with him when she was a baby.

    Can't wait to visit you on Sunday and see those amazing views again, weather permitting!

