For the third time since Friday. And B&Q. To buy a cutlery tray labelled '300 mm wide' and measuring just over 230mm. Very odd. We've spent a lot of time buying stuff to do the jobs which need doing, but not much time actually doing them. At least we now have lights under the wall units in the kitchen, to light the worktop.
Sue spent 30 minutes explaining to MoreThan that she wouldn't pay their admin fee for changing her address off-line, because their website hadn't let her do it online during the last two days. A car kept here is cheaper to insure by the way - we'll get a rebate!
Sue spent 30 minutes explaining to MoreThan that she wouldn't pay their admin fee for changing her address off-line, because their website hadn't let her do it online during the last two days. A car kept here is cheaper to insure by the way - we'll get a rebate!
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