Sunday 17 February 2013

Today's 'take your breath away' photo.


I took this with my phone (on the way back from the tip, as it happens), only to discover that the view from the house was, if anything, even better. 

Robin and Jane this morning were our first visitors (assuming you don't count the Sky engineer) and whilst showing them the garden and experimenting with the complicated and bodged electrics supplying power to the garden, the shed and the greenhouse, I managed to trip half the sockets in the house, and the circuit-breaker wouldn't reset.  I eventually worked out the the defunct water feature and a socket in the greenhouse (to be used for...?) all ran off a plug socket in the shed.  Once I unplugged it all, we were back in business.

Thanks for all the 'house-warming' cards and presents. Our friend Phillipa gave us a custom-made 1:25000 OS map with our house right at the centre. A brilliant and thoughtful present which will get a lot of use. We couldn't have wished for better weather for our first few days, but of course we've been really too busy for walking, and anyway the dogs don't arrive until later today.  Fingers crossed for similar weather for the next few days.

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